Dispatches from the front lines of trauma healing.

I’ve been writing about trauma healing, PTSD, CPTSD, and wellbeing for almost 15 years, exploring what it means to be a high-performer making impact in the world — without sacrificing health or happiness.

Trauma Skills for the Holidays
PTSD and CPTSD, Trauma and Relationships Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD, Trauma and Relationships Elie Losleben

Trauma Skills for the Holidays

It’s easy to shut down and want to hide from the feelings of vulnerability, helplessness, and loneliness that can surface around the holidays. For those of us with developmental trauma, these feelings are flashbacks — signs of unresolved trauma, constellations of emotional states from the past still held in our nervous system.

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The Power of Now
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

The Power of Now

Unresolved trauma can show up in hard-to-identify ways. The truth is, according to the latest neuroscience, we're not to blame for how we are reacting. The unresolved trauma takes up most of our attention and subconsciously steals the show. It's how our nervous systems are primed to react, because we’re primed to prioritize survival over our enjoyment of life.

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Why Neuroception is a Trauma Healing Superpower
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

Why Neuroception is a Trauma Healing Superpower

Neuroception refers to how pathways in the nervous system interpret for us whether someone (or something) is safe or dangerous. Because neuroception usually happens below the level of our conscious awareness, we don't realize when the danger signals we’re noticing may not be coming from outside — they may be coming from within us.

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The Taboo of Healing with Pleasure
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

The Taboo of Healing with Pleasure

This is what so much trauma healing work gets wrong. It's not about intensity — it's about rewiring the body and mind towards goodness and pleasure. And the number one, most overlooked, yet scientifically proven way to move forward is through pleasure.

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The Reality of Post-Traumatic Growth
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

The Reality of Post-Traumatic Growth

Once we learn the skills to navigate and heal our trauma, we have the ability to do so for the rest of our lives. As time progresses, we see how we're able to meet life's challenges. These are new skills that we didn't have before, and they bring a multitude of blessings to our lives.

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The Sacred “No”
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

The Sacred “No”

Our “no” is something that belongs only to us, as we choose what we accept and allow in our lives. Our “no” sets a boundary. And we have the choice to put boundaries around everything that matters of us – our bodies, our energy, our attention, our time, and more.

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The Antidote to Trauma
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

The Antidote to Trauma

Pleasure is the single most effective tool for gently and effectively resolving trauma. It forges new neural pathways that connect the thalamus (a sensing part of the brain) to the neocortex and helps us to literally feel again.

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Trauma and the Body
Elie Losleben Elie Losleben

Trauma and the Body

Trauma happens when a person is overwhelmed and responds with intense fear, even terror, and feels helpless. Trauma is an intense experience for the body, especially the nervous system. The state of being overwhelmed is highly uncomfortable and takes a lot of energy to process.

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