Dispatches from the front lines of trauma healing.

I’ve been writing about trauma healing, PTSD, CPTSD, and wellbeing for almost 15 years, exploring what it means to be a high-performer making impact in the world — without sacrificing health or happiness.

It Wasn't That Bad
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

It Wasn't That Bad

Until we get to know the shapeshifter of denial, our attempts to heal the past remain superficial at best. We polish our memories, not wanting to remember the fear or suffering under their smooth surface.

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The Truth about Dissociation
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

The Truth about Dissociation

The part of us that dissociates uses this pattern as a strategy to lessen our experience of pain and discomfort. It tries to help by removing us from our experience, which always means shutting down our access to the body. It often creates a kind of fog, haziness, or floating out-of-body feeling.

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