About Elie

Trauma Specialist


I’m Elie. I help people with trauma have better relationships. For over fifteen years, I’ve supported leaders, changemakers, and other high-performers around the world to heal the impacts of trauma, so they can enjoy life.

I come from a lived experience of trauma, starting in early childhood, and my personal journey inspires me to share this work with others.

I know how hard it is to feel the impact of unresolved trauma. And the courage it takes to choose healing.

headshot photo of elie losleben trauma specialist in a white blouse against a black background

More About Me…

I come to this work from a lived experience of healing.

I started my trauma healing journey in high school in Cairo, where I volunteered at the Middle East’s premier psychiatric hospital, observing the link between trauma & mental health diagnoses.

Later, I became a certified rape crisis and intimate partner violence crisis counselor and worked across hospitals in NYC. I earned a Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University with a focus on social and behavioral health. I also created an online resource for Rape Crisis Counseling that’s used in 30+ countries.

Inspired by the impact, I trained to become a trauma specialist with leading experts in the field. I now offer private services to clients all over the world, from my home in New Zealand.

elie losleben public speaking on a panel in estonia


Clients Supported

I’ve supported hundreds of people with trauma healing so they could relax and enjoy their lives and create more joyful and collaborative relationships.


Newsletter Subscribers

I write regular articles about PTSD, CPTSD, anxiety, trauma healing, and relationships for a global audience. I also offer free workshops from time to time.



I’ve worked with high-performer clients across six continents as they healed anxiety, dissociation, and shutdown. (I’m still waiting on Antarctica…)

What Clients Say

photo of dark green fern leaves against a dark background
photo of a waterfall in a forest edged with rocks and dark green trees and foliage

More about Elie…

photo of a long wooden bridge surrounded by native forest


I came to this work as a humanitarian aid worker. I began crisis counseling for sexual assault and intimate partner violence with aid worker friends and colleagues in West Africa. From there, this work took on a life of it’s own and I’ve never looked back.

elie losleben speaking on stage at new frontiers new zealand black and white photo


Growing up in India, Kenya, and Egypt informs my unique perspective and continues to influence my work with an international clientele.

photo of dark leaves against a dark background


I moved to New Zealand on a social impact award called the Edmond Hillary Fellowship. I’ve been offering my work ever since, giving sessions online from my home office with a view of the ocean…

Why I Do This Work

Relational & Sexual Trauma Can Leave Lifelong Scars that Never Quite Seem to Go Away.

No matter how many books we read, how much talk therapy we show up for, or how hard we try, healing often eludes us.

We know something is wrong. We know it’s affecting our relationships and our dreams of what’s possible for ourselves. We just don’t know what to do about it…

I’ve been there. After years of therapy, I still felt the legacy of decades-old trauma in my body.

I felt ashamed not to be “over it” after so many years. So I hid. I never talked about it. I masked my unresolved trauma with a high-achieving career. (Sound familiar?)

Until I just couldn’t bear it anymore, and I surrendered to the last place I ever wanted to be: my body. Then the source of my trauma — my body — became the fertile soil of my homecoming.

Doing this work saved my life. I’m grateful I can pass it on.