Dispatches from the front lines of trauma healing.

I’ve been writing about trauma healing, PTSD, CPTSD, and wellbeing for almost 15 years, exploring what it means to be a high-performer making impact in the world — without sacrificing health or happiness.

Why We Need Radical Rest
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

Why We Need Radical Rest

When the entire world is telling you to keep going, resting is a radical act of self-care. When we rest, we let ourselves know that whatever we’re doing, it’s safe to step away.

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Aid and White Supremacy
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

Aid and White Supremacy

When I became an aid worker, I absolved myself from examining whether I could be racist. I gave myself a free pass because I was a changemaker, and I thought that racism didn’t influence me. We think “I’m a good person, I can’t be racist,” but it’s a defense mechanism, constructed to protect our sense of self from discomfort.

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It is Not Okay
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

It is Not Okay

We are at the beginning of rapid change towards something new, so it's natural to experience a bit of vertigo and stress about it. We look for safety and security, and if we don't find it, we grab and clutch at something to take its place.

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It's a Relay, Not a Marathon
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

It's a Relay, Not a Marathon

COVID has shown me gaps in our empathy and support systems that I am unable to stomach. All around me, I see people paralyzed by the misplaced hope that someone will come to help or save them. You've heard the line from June Jordan’s poem, "We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Right now, that statement feels like both a blessing and a curse.

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Say No to Martyrdom
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

Say No to Martyrdom

It’s a bad feeling, watching health care workers plead for support and supplies, and tell us that they’re willing to sacrifice themselves for us. It’s hard to keep reading the news after seeing a message like that, but because of our leadership stories, we do. We consider martyrs an inevitable outcome of the system, but what if that wasn’t true?

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Help with Hypervigilance
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

Help with Hypervigilance

Hypervigilance means being overly attentive to your environment because you are afraid something terrible is about to happen. It’s like we don’t want to be surprised by bad news, so we think we can anticipate it. Only, that’s not how it works. Hypervigilance actually does the opposite of protecting us.

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F*ck Productivity
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

F*ck Productivity

Anyone telling you that you need to optimize your time right now is deep in their own freak-out and acting like a robot. Posting about how we can optimize our work output during this crisis feels off when so many of us are losing jobs and afraid our loved ones will fall sick (if they're not sick already). Reaching for quick fixes points to a deep denial about what is going on.

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Safety Planning for Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

Safety Planning for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you understand exponentials, you can see that like a slow-moving tidal wave, COVID-19 is becoming a serious pandemic. Because of exponential growth, what seems like a slow rise of cases can quickly surge to overwhelm our health centers. ­We all want do our part to avoid this, so let’s explore some risk mitigation…

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The #1 Reason You Shouldn’t Meditate
PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben PTSD and CPTSD Elie Losleben

The #1 Reason You Shouldn’t Meditate

People with active Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD) or other types of trauma should not meditate the way that other people meditate. People with active trauma symptoms or who are easily triggered into flashbacks need to create alternative pathways to meditation that work for their brains and bodies.

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5 Signs that Changemaker Stress is Impacting Your Life
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

5 Signs that Changemaker Stress is Impacting Your Life

Things are getting more chaotic as the pace of change accelerates. There are lots of reasons for this, but around the world, old systems are under tremendous strain. We're already in transition towards something new, but probably not prepared for the toll this uncertainty is taking on us as leaders.

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