• elie losleben trauma specialist international therapist support

    I help people with trauma have better relationships.

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    High-performers deserve support to thrive.

    You don’t have to go it alone. If you’re looking for effective support that gets results, allow me to introduce you to how I work. I get life-changing results for people in a fraction of the time they’ve spent in talk therapy, because we work with the body and the mind.

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    Learn THE foundational skill to feel safe in your body.

    Once you learn Resourcing, you’ll be able to shift out of overwhelm and shutdown to create a sense of inner safety.

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Trauma Healing

Don’t let the past weigh you down any longer. You deserve to enjoy your fullest, most authentic life. Now.

Unresolved trauma and chronic stress distort our ability to create healthy, happy relationships. It’s easy to let the burdens of the past overwhelm our ability to be authentic and available with the people we love. But trauma always, always wants to heal. And it’s easier, and quicker, than you think.

When we work with the body, symptoms like numbness, overwhelm, anxiety, shutdown, irritability, aggression, and even dissociation naturally resolve. And with that comes more freedom, aliveness, joy, pleasure, and the playfulness we often knew was missing but didn’t know how to find...

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What Clients Say

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About Elie

Trauma Specialist, Sexual & Relational Trauma

I know how hard it is to feel the impact of unresolved trauma — and the courage it takes to choose healing. I’ve lived most of my life in Africa and the Middle East, and my unique global perspective means I’m regularly invited to give workshops in Silicon Valley and around the world. I’ve had the privilege of training with leaders in the trauma field. I offer private services to an international clientele from my office in New Zealand, where I am an Edmond Hillary Fellow.

About My Work

Curious if my trauma healing work could change your life?

I know it takes a lot to trust a practitioner with your inner world. Especially if you’ve spent time in talk therapy that didn’t create the deep, embodied shifts into joy and aliveness you were looking for. Here are a few of the things I support people with, when they work with me.

  • It’s normal to feel overactivated when our nervous systems don’t know how to reset out of stress and trauma. When this happens, we experience a constant state of hypervigilance and never feel it’s possible to relax.

    Healing happens when we stop shaming ourselves and making ourselves wrong for how our bodies are holding unmetabolized stress and trauma. When we meet ourselves with acceptance and even self-love, we forge a new relationship with our needs that changes everything.

  • If we experienced chronic trauma at a young age, it impacted our development in ways that can be hard to track without support. We might feel anxious or avoidant in close relationships. We might dissociate into fragmented traumatic memories or emotional flashbacks, as the body sends us signals that it needs to heal.

    When we work with trauma, it’s not necessary to go into the story of what happened. You don’t need to remember the details to heal. We work with what the body has been carrying, all this time, and allow the nervous system to slowly, safely, restore us to thriving.

  • Numbness is a sign that the body doesn’t feel safe. We’re usually so accustomed to overriding our own boundaries and pushing through our inner “no,” that we don’t notice we’ve been ignoring our needs.

    Patterns of self-abandonment can be painful to see, but they are the first step towards coming home to our bodies and remembering our innate pleasure and power.

My work has been featured on…

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Want to Learn More About Trauma Healing?

Explore My Articles on Healing PTSD, CPTSD, Anxiety, & Shutdown…

photo of a dirt path through a green woodland

Trauma Can Always Heal

Don’t Let Trauma Steal the Goodness & Joy from Your Life.

Trauma healing doesn’t have to be hard. It means letting go of the burdens you’ve carried in your body and heart for so long, and remembering your truest, deepest aliveness. Life is waiting. Are you ready?