Dispatches from the front lines of trauma healing.
I’ve been writing about trauma healing, PTSD, CPTSD, and wellbeing for almost 15 years, exploring what it means to be a high-performer making impact in the world — without sacrificing health or happiness.
Help Us Crowdfund to Create a Rape Crisis Counseling App Resource for Survivors and their Advocates
In the last few months, I’ve been in conversation with survivors and rape crisis centers, exploring the idea of digitizing the training for Rape Crisis Counselors. I’ve received overwhelming support and we’re now working with partners to create the resource.
Shifting the Silence around Rape and Sexual Assault in Aid Culture
Whatever the reasons – and there are many – we in the aid and development community still co-create a system where discussing sexual violence is often taboo and which surrounds acts of sexual violence with a culture of impunity.
Why It’s No Surprise that Your Aid Job is Bringing You Down
No one who has worked three months in the aid industry thinks that it’s a perfect system. If it was, wouldn’t we have fixed poverty and inequality and health and education and ecosystem degradation and fill-in-the-blank by now?
Facing Fear (It’s Easier Than You Think)
As my friends and colleagues in West Africa are dealing with an incredibly challenging and often terrifying Ebola outbreak, and I sit up late writing from my new home in Indonesia, I’ve been thinking a lot about fear and how it colors the landscape of our experience — if we let it.
Coping with Ebola Virus in West Africa
For those in our tribe who are dealing with Ebola virus in West Africa, may this contribute to the discussion and dialogue within your own process of decision-making. For those of you in non-affected areas, may this give you a window into a process that I hope you never have to face.
Spiritual Self-Care for Changemakers
When I talk about spiritual self-care, I’m talking about the care of your own spirit, your deepest vision and dreams, the part of you that feels like your essence, your wild and perfect heart, your soul. Call it what you like, but it needs tending.
Mental Health for Changemakers
There’s a huge stigma around talking about mental health, but it’s a massive influence on our lives, our choices and our careers. Ultimately, our ability to be effective and efficient doing this work comes down to good self-care.
How to Deal with Ebola Virus
What does Ebola actually mean for the office, for home and for day-to-day life in West Africa at the moment? First of all, it’s important to know and understand your risk level and to take precautions accordingly. Second, it’s important to manage your self-care so that you can keep a handle on your stress.
Emotional Self-Care for Changemakers
Unless we are experiencing large-scale stress or trauma, most of us don’t pay much attention to maintaining emotional health. I think that’s a big mistake, and in the industry there are signs that this is changing.
4 Simple Self-Care Strategies for Changemakers
Most of the time, self-care is about mindfulness, about being patient with yourself and willing to adjust course. All that’s required for change is the energy to initiate new patterns. We are much more powerful and capable of change than we think we are.
What to Do When You Miss Your Friends
I’m telling you this because, to live out here, so transient, doing the work we’re doing, we can’t ignore that we’re giving up physical proximity to the ones we love. That hurts.
5 Signs You Don’t Have a Life — and Are Headed for Burnout
The sad fact of the matter is, though, that as a global changemaker, you’re likely a workaholic, and no one is ever going to tell you. If you don’t believe me, take my simple quiz below. I’ll bet you, or someone close to you, literally doesn’t have a personal life.
5 Reasons to Stay Positive About an Aid Job You Might Hate
Well-being and satisfaction are two very important feelings to have about your work. After all, we’re after health and happiness, and it’s important to feel motivated about your aid career and pleased with your life.
How to Survive a Bad Boss in Development and Aid Work
I’ve heard stories from my clients about all kinds of bad bosses in aid work and international development. I think there are a lot of reasons that someone in our line of work would be a stressful supervisor.
How to Eliminate Anxiety
Most of us don’t talk or think a lot about stress, which is odd, because it’s big determinant of physical and mental health. Mental stress you’re likely familiar with, but what does physical stress look like? Chances are you’re holding onto some just now, so I’ll show you.
How to Avoid a Breakdown that Derails Your Aid Career
Especially in emergencies and post-conflict environments, taking care of our emotional health and wellbeing safeguards us from acting out in ways that can quickly and irreversibly damage our international careers.
Martyrdom, Mothering and Madness Not Allowed
The feeling that we can impact these environments and “help these people” can be a slippery one, easily intertwined with ego and an over-investment in outcomes. However many years you deny and sacrifice yourself for the sake of your work, the outcomes of that work are not up to you.
What Future Do You Belong To?
When we look at global poverty, climate change and the multitude of challenges facing us, it can be hard not to react from a position of fear and scarcity. I’m committed to envisioning, together, a way for us to move through these challenges with vision and purpose; and I’m committed to working together to be of service where we are needed most.
Generosity is a Global Currency
When we are open and responsive to the people around us, we encourage openness and generosity to take root in our lives. The more we give our presence, the more grounded and resourced we become.
32 Ways to Get Through Political Unrest
Whether or not you’re facing political unrest in the country you’re living in, preparedness is always a good idea. Take what you like and leave the rest.