Dispatches from the front lines of trauma healing.

I’ve been writing about trauma healing, PTSD, CPTSD, and wellbeing for almost 15 years, exploring what it means to be a high-performer making impact in the world — without sacrificing health or happiness.

How to Eliminate Anxiety
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

How to Eliminate Anxiety

Most of us don’t talk or think a lot about stress, which is odd, because it’s big determinant of physical and mental health. Mental stress you’re likely familiar with, but what does physical stress look like? Chances are you’re holding onto some just now, so I’ll show you.

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Martyrdom, Mothering and Madness Not Allowed
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

Martyrdom, Mothering and Madness Not Allowed

The feeling that we can impact these environments and “help these people” can be a slippery one, easily intertwined with ego and an over-investment in outcomes. However many years you deny and sacrifice yourself for the sake of your work, the outcomes of that work are not up to you.

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What Future Do You Belong To?
Leadership Elie Losleben Leadership Elie Losleben

What Future Do You Belong To?

When we look at global poverty, climate change and the multitude of challenges facing us, it can be hard not to react from a position of fear and scarcity. I’m committed to envisioning, together, a way for us to move through these challenges with vision and purpose; and I’m committed to working together to be of service where we are needed most.

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